Statistics And Usage
SyNAP provides usage information and statistics.
This is done via the standard linux /sysfs
Basically /sysfs
allows to provide information about system devices
and resources using a pseudo file-system where each piece of information is seen
as a file that can be read/written by the user using standard tools.
On Android statistics are available in /sys/class/misc/synap/device/misc/synap/statistics/
$ SYNAP_STAT_DIR=/sys/class/misc/synap/device/misc/synap/statistics
On Yocto Linux they are in /sys/class/misc/synap/statistics/
$ SYNAP_STAT_DIR=/sys/class/misc/synap/statistics
inference_count inference_time network_profile networks
The content of the statistics files is only available from root user.
This file contains the total number of inferences performed since system startup. Example:
# cat $SYNAP_STAT_DIR/inference_count
This file contains the total time spent doing inferences since system startup. It is a 64-bits integer expressed in microseconds. Example:
# cat $SYNAP_STAT_DIR/inference_time
This file contains detailed information for each network currently loaded, with a line per network. Each line contains the following information:
pid: process that created the network
nid: unique network id
inference_count: number of inferences for this network
inference_time: total inference time for this network in us
inference_last: last inference time for this network in us
iobuf_count: number of I/O buffers currently registered to the network
iobuf_size: total size of I/O buffers currently registered to the network
layers: number of layers in the network
# cat $SYNAP_STAT_DIR/networks
pid: 3628, nid: 38, inference_count: 22, inference_time: 40048, inference_last: 1843, iobuf_count: 2, iobuf_size: 151529, layers: 34
pid: 3155, nid: 4, inference_count: 3, inference_time: 5922, inference_last: 1843, iobuf_count: 2, iobuf_size: 451630, layers: 12
This file contains detailed information for each network currently loaded, with a line per network.
The information in each line is the same as in the networks
In addition if a model has been compiled offline with profiling enabled (see section Model Profiling)
or executed online with profiling enabled (see section Benchmarking Models With NNAPI)
the corresponding line will be followed by detailed layer-by-layer information:
lyr: index of the layer (or group of layers)
cycle: number of execution cycles
time_us: execution time in us
byte_rd: number of bytes read
byte_wr: number of bytes written
ot: operation type (NN: Neural Network core, SH: Shader, TP: TensorProcessor)
name: operation name
# cat $SYNAP_STAT_DIR/network_profile
pid: 21756, nid: 1, inference_count: 78, inference_time: 272430, inference_last: 3108, iobuf_count: 2, iobuf_size: 151529, layers: 34
| lyr | cycle | time_us | byte_rd | byte_wr | ot | name
| 0 | 153811 | 202 | 151344 | 0 | TP | TensorTranspose
| 1 | 181903 | 461 | 6912 | 0 | NN | ConvolutionReluPoolingLayer2
| 2 | 9321 | 52 | 1392 | 0 | NN | ConvolutionReluPoolingLayer2
| 3 | 17430 | 51 | 1904 | 0 | NN | ConvolutionReluPoolingLayer2
| 4 | 19878 | 51 | 1904 | 0 | NN | ConvolutionReluPoolingLayer2
| 28 | 16248 | 51 | 7472 | 0 | NN | ConvolutionReluPoolingLayer2
| 29 | 125706 | 408 | 120720 | 0 | TP | FullyConnectedReluLayer
| 30 | 137129 | 196 | 2848 | 1024 | SH | Softmax2Layer
| 31 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -- | ConvolutionReluPoolingLayer2
| 32 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -- | ConvolutionReluPoolingLayer2
| 33 | 671 | 51 | 1008 | 0 | NN | ConvolutionReluPoolingLayer2
Clearing Statistics
Statistics can be cleared by writing to either the inference_count
or inference_time
# cat $SYNAP_STAT_DIR/inference_time
# echo > $SYNAP_STAT_DIR/inference_time
# cat $SYNAP_STAT_DIR/inference_time
# cat $SYNAP_STAT_DIR/inference_count
Using /sysfs
The information available from /sysfs
can be easily used from scripts or tools.
For example in order to get the average NPU utilization in a 5 seconds period:
echo > $SYNAP_STAT_DIR/inference_time;
usleep $us;
npu_usage=$((`cat $SYNAP_STAT_DIR/inference_time`*100/us));
echo "Average NPU usage: $npu_usage%"